So we all know java .reference .It is an address that indicates where an object’s variables and methods are stored. Java spec says :
Just before a reference to the newly created object is returned as the result, the indicated constructor is processed to initialize the new object
And most common example given is something like below:
@author: åminur ------------------------------------------------------ PART 1: Assignment of object, points to reference. ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Emp tmpEmp = new Emp(); 2. Emp e1 = tmpEmp; +---------------------------+ //cause both e1 and e2 points tmpEmp ------->| | //to same object i.e e1 just | object created at line 1 | //starts pointing to tmpEmp emp ---------->| | | | +---------------------------+ // Hence any change in tmpEmp // e.g tmpEmp.empId // will change e1.empId too as it's // technically same object.
However surprisingly, recently I found that a few are not aware of the 2nd part of it. They assume any change in tempEmp will always reflect in e1, even when tempEmp’s reference has been nulled/or changed. Something like this this.
-------------------------------------------------------------- PART 2 : Which a couple of folks couldn't answer in interview. -------------------------------------------------------------- 3. tmpEmp = new Emp(); // or tmpEmp=null; // Here tmpEmp got a new reference. // But this does not mean e1's reference has also changed. // Any reassignment to new Object, or to null reference // unhooks the two objects. +---------------------------+ tmpEmp --------> |object created at line 3 | +---------------------------+ +---------------------------+ e1 ------------> |object created at line 1 | +---------------------------+
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