When false is true
While trying to explain reflection to one my young friend, I finally ended up writing this code: This won’t work in 1.3/.4 but will work in higher/lower version of JDK The bug #5044412 fix(?) may disallow setting of value of fields.
Using oracle graph/bi graph without datacontrol bindings
Oracle had this excellent graph utility in the earlier releases of Jdeveloper. It was Bi-graph, which user can use to represent the data in graphical forms.
How to detect proxy while connecting a url
When I started learning Java (infact I still am) I was stuck in assignment to open the net connection, which was outside our institute firewall. The document at Sun’s website explains in depth the traditional, as well as the latest way (Use of Proxy class/Proxy Selector)to use…
Ctrl-shift-F1 in Swing Application
To see the hierarchy of a components in a swing application, one nice way is to type ctrl-shift-F1.
Prevent reflection to access private methods and members in java classes
Reflection is a nice evil. It can let you access private method/fields/constructor of a class. Now in case you are wondering, that makes my class vulnerable to be modified, yes you are right. But then there is a way to prevent the caller from changing…
JFormattedText Field with Date
While trying JFormattedTextField, I had this requirement to show placeholder to the user to guide him while providing the date input. There was also a need to pop up user with the error message, if the input was incorrect. (Yeah, I understand that many prefer inline…